Friday, November 13, 2009

The Modern Relationship

One interesting aspect of applying BaZi, a science that was formulated in ancient China, is in modifying its application to the 21st century world that we dwell in. BaZi as we know, is pretty much all about balance. How this balance applies and how this balance has changed are the key concepts underlying this week’s article.

Ask any BaZi consultant and you’ll find that relationship issues (the romantic kind) are among the most common discussed during a BaZi reading. I often find in my practice and in speaking to fellow consultants that impractical (and oftentimes ignorant) expectations and views are behind the relationship woes of the many clients. We all know the roles of women have evolved tremendously in the past 50 years or so. Women nowadays have risen to be successful corporate, political leaders, business people and can hold enormous influence and power. How do we relate such change and progress to the concept of balance in the BaZi chart?

The factor that denotes capability and ability to express and use talents and skills is the Output element. As such the stronger, more vibrant and better quality the Output element, the better the person is able to express oneself, perform and in general, get things done. All these are, of course, crucial factors for success as defined by modern society. Alas, too strong an Output also puts stress on the Influence element—which for women denotes the husband or romantic other half.

As such, a common occurrence for successful women is that they tend to be too opinionated, aggressive and expressive – all qualities that, we have to realistically admit, diminish the traditional role of men as the decision-maker and dominant party in a relationship. But of course, the “traditional” role of men also encompassed being completely responsible of the well-being of their partners and children in terms of protection, security and basic needs, while being in charge of projects and day-to-day endeavours.

As such, the balance has changed. As evolution can’t be help, the wise approach is to go with the flow and modify our own expectations when it comes to relationships. Along with the change in the “power” balance between men and women, we have to accept the inevitable change of not just financial responsibility, but also in terms of who gets what done However, many women who are strong individuals and who need to accomplish their own goals other than the traditional ones of being a wife, mother and homemaker, commonly want the best of both worlds. They want to pursue a successful career and yet hope to be completely coddled and taken care of by their man. However, we know from a BaZi (and practical) standpoint this does NOT work!

If you have traits that make you a successful corporate, business or powerful woman, chances are you’ll end up overshadowing your man, find it difficult to find someone who matches your caliber or have difficulty maintaining your relationship. In such a case, you’ll find you need to lower your expectations and accept that you may need to be the breadwinner or contribute to the financial aspect of the relationship (at least to some extent).

Similarly, guys who are the archetype of the new-age, sensitive male—for example, one who is able to relate to feelings and sentiment, be nurturing and caring—also find that they’re unable to completely “wear the pants” in a relationship. Such males tend to have fleeting relationships and have trouble maintaining long-term relationships. And since they literally have trouble controlling their Wealth element (which stands for literal wealth, management style and ahem, also their “better” half), then financially they tend to be unstable or have difficulty accumulating wealth.

So ladies, be prepared to have to bear some financial responsibility in general if you’re into the new-age kind of guy (or alternatively, if you’re the ambitious sort when it comes to career). And similarly, guys who fit this mould need to accept that they can’t be in charge of all decisions nor be in complete control. Such understanding, compromise and practice from both genders are needed to keep the “modern” relationship alive and well!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thriving through the rest of the Earth Ox Year

*I've been intending to write this since the *middle* of this year, oops. But i guess better late than never ...*

Time sure flies by, even in this plodding Earth Ox year… We’re already almost in the last quarter of this Chinese Solar Year and initial plans are already afoot to welcome the upcoming Metal Tiger year from the perspective of astrology and changing feng shui energies. The Earth Ox year has certainly been a challenging and confusing year for many. Alas, the reality is that we still need to face the remainder of the next four months; so let’s revisit some key reminders (mostly based on simple 5 element deductions) on how we can make the best of the next 4 months or so.

The Earth Ox year is best visualized by a pile of cold, stacking earth. Hardly a picture of growth, rosy health or clarity in thought! The excess of the earth element is difficult for most of us in terms of BaZi; even those whose favourable element is earth have likely found this a challenging year. The year has brought with it the danger of disease, natural disasters and slow growth in the world economy. While most of us can’t really expect to achieve successful fruition of our endeavours this year, nonetheless we should think long term. This is a good year to *start* new endeavours and *initiate* new ideas and goals. The earth allows us to “germinate” and “seed” new projects and take a new direction in life.

However, as plants take time to grow, we should also guard against having too high expectations of quick success and achievement. In fact, if you haven’t already discovered by now, longer term visions, goals and plans work much better this year than endeavours that thrive on rapid turnover and quick results—this is a good way to work *with* the earth element. Also, any endeavour that involves the wood element such as teaching, designing, agriculture— most of anything that involves growth and creativity-- will thrive. A dose of creativity in any endeavour will ease any blockage or obstacle that we encounter.

As fire energy is outwardly weak this year, using the qualities of fire will also help. The fire element will warm-up the cold earth, making it slightly easier to manage. So, we should stay passionate and joyful. Look for and do things that make you happy. Stay happy! As the Ox (being a graveyard animal sign) also makes us more contemplative and inward, this provides a great opportunity to explore spirituality and perhaps even religion (since these belong to the fire element). Invest in self-cultivation and study. Look for ways to improve your life and its current circumstances, to the extent of maybe even taking a new direction if such a time has arrived!

The excess earth not only makes us contemplative but also blurs communication while causing excessive stress and worry. This is especially so with charts that already have an excess of metal and water. In addition, those with excess earth will also feel pressured and misunderstood; even to the extent of being paranoid and suspicious. As one key benefit of understanding astrology is taking stock of what is happening internally, those afflicted with such excess earth should always look at the brighter side of things and acknowledge that most of one’s fear, suspicion and negative thinking this year can be mostly or perhaps even entirely baseless. As the Earth Ox is hardly conducive for clear communication, it is better to be open, clear and forthright when communicating since the chance for miscommunication is already so high.

Lastly, we need to be continuously mindful of health as the Ox has brought increased health risks and higher mortality rates. We should observe good personal hygiene, take precaution of health risks (such as H1N1), eat healthy, and also get adequate exercise and sleep. To stay psychologically healthy, we also need to be physically healthy!

Friday, September 11, 2009

To Clash or Not to Clash - that is the question

Let’s take a look at the concept of the “clash” of the Earthly Branches in BaZi. Recall that each natal BaZi chart contains four Earthly Branches -- namely the four animal signs in the Year, Month, Day and Hour Pillars (in addition, there are the Earthly Branches of the Luck and Annual Pillars). A clash to the Earthly Branches means that one (or more) of the Earthly Branches encounters a direct, opposing branch. This can occur within the natal BaZi chart itself or between the branches in a natal chart with the Luck or Annual Pillars.

Now, the main thing is that a clash of course is not to be feared and does not necessary mean a bad thing! In general, however, clashes do indicate changes, usually abrupt and obvious ones. As clashes indicate head-on changes, their effects are obvious and typically obviously felt – so it is a good idea to usually prepare ourselves when we predict a clash occurring either in the Luck or Annual Pillars.

Whether a clash is deemed good or not is usually dependent on how “favourable” the victorious element of a clash is. For example, in the clash of a Rat (water element) and a Horse (whose main qi is fire), the victorious branch is typically the Rat (as water puts out fire). This is one determinant. We also have to examine whether the more favourable element is removed or introduced. Continuing with the Rat/Horse example, let’s assume that there is a Rat branch in a natal BaZi chart and a BaZi evaluation tells us that the element of Ding fire is needed. In the Luck Pillar of the Horse, generally the introduction of fire via the Horse, even though it is “rejected” by the Rat (hence, manifesting as the Rat/Horse clash), is good for the person in question. There will be unsettling changes in store of course…but the discomfort will be beneficial for the person’s life.

For today’s article, let’s also examine the effects of the clash to different parts of the BaZi chart. As the Year Branch indicates the external-most part of the chart, a clash here indicates a change in the external environment of the person in question. These external changes can manifest in circumstances as relocation, migration or travel for the person undergoing the clash. A Clash in the Year Branch can also mean accidents or mishaps which hurt the external body. As the Year Pillar also denote the relationship with one’s grandparents and childhood friends, a clash here may also mean separation from (or in some cases, the death of) such parties.

The Month Branch is the foremost indication of one’s key character since it denotes the immediate family environment when one is growing up. As such, any clash here means not only a crucial change in the person’s key attitudes but possibly a change in the parental home or parental relationship. In addition, as the Month Pillar is also an indicator of one’s immediate work environment and relationship with the superior, a clash here denotes such a corresponding change – he or she may be transferred to a different department or alternatively, his or her superior may be replaced!

A clash to the Day Branch is usually much-feared as it typically denotes marital or spousal problems. However, a clash to the Day Branch could simply mean a change in residence or renovations to the home. Alternatively, it could also mean hurting the lower part of the body or perhaps even surgery.

Parents especially, should be wary of a clash to the Hour Branch as this denotes issues (for example, separation) with one’s children. As one’s subordinates are also akin to one’s children, a clash to the Hour Branch can also denote a turnover in subordinates or even the type of work that a person does. Besides these, a clash to the Hour Branch can cause a feeling of unease and unsettling thoughts for the person experiencing the clash.

Friday, June 26, 2009

BaZi & Spirituality

Due to the nature of the subject, BaZi practitioners are sometimes viewed as having extra “powers”, with some being viewed as spiritual, and perhaps, more enlightenment than your average Joe or Jane. After all, BaZi practitioners are able to decipher the personal characteristics, the best direction in life based on inherent skills, strengths and weaknesses while taking into account the personal fulfillment of the person whose chart is being read as well-- all this with just the date and time of birth. In addition, with accurate information on the client and his/her present circumstances, choices and upcoming decisions, a competent BaZi practitioner is also able to accurately foretell the sequence of things to come in the future!

It’s no wonder then that the BaZi practitioner is commonly seen as having extra-sensory powers or divine guidance from the spiritual realm. As BaZi deals with a person’s life and “luck” of the individual in question, it’s no wonder that the field is often misunderstood as something mysterious and related to the divine. As a result, some people who might be curious in getting a reading or in picking up the study of BaZi (or other Chinese Metaphysics subject, really) might be wary of the seemingly religious or spiritual overtones of the subject.

However, are BaZi practitioners *really* a spiritual lot?

Truth be told, BaZi is a technical study just like any other academic subject. The difference is of course the subject nature itself – in this case, the study is on the individual’s destiny, personal characteristics, surrounding circumstances and thus, possible life path. BaZi really is an extremely practical study. It deals with the earthly existence and circumstances of the individual with no sole reference to religious or spiritual aspects whatsoever. Practitioners would know that seemingly unrelated aspects of life such as education, gut instincts and well-being can be grouped under the “Resource” category—the same category that medicine, religion, metaphysics and spirituality belong to! From a BaZi perspective, these are all different aspects of life which serve the same purpose for a particular Day Master.

A BaZi analysis CAN of course reveal the depth of spirituality of the person in question, but this is just like any revelation of one’s other life aspects such as nature of romantic relationships, method of wealth accumulation, inherent skills etc. We wouldn’t label BaZi a tool for solely any of these aspects (eg. career guide, relationship guide, health report), would we? Why then should BaZi be considered a religious tool or study?

Of course, studying something as vast and powerful as BaZi will usually raise awareness of the awe of the universe. After all, BaZi deals with one’s life and destiny, and through studying and understanding the subject, often one can’t help but ponder over WHO or WHAT is the ultimate force that metes out each and every BaZi chart and as such, each individual’s destiny on earth. Metaphysical studies *can* sometimes lead to an awakening of one’s spirituality in cases where religion or spirituality had never been at the forefront of one’s psyche before (and for people who are already religious or spiritual, perhaps BaZi studies would further reinforce their faith or personal belief).

However, the fact remains that on its own and at its purest (some practitioners DO tend to mix everything together—a whole other story altogether), BaZi is an extremely practical science based on the logical understanding of the influence of planetary positions and configurations of the universe. The insights, guidance and information revealed by the applications of BaZi are very “real”, practical, often priceless and completely devoid of any specific religious or direct spiritual association.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Making use (and better sense!) of the Useful God of BaZi

When it comes to the practicality of BaZi, a common confusion amongst students and some practitioners is how *exactly* does one make “use” of the Useful God?

With the proliferation of inspirational and empowerment-based New Age BaZi concepts, we can be forgiven for missing the wood for the trees. For example, Betty has determined that the element that would bring crucial balance to her life – her Useful God – is Wood. A New Age practitioner would suggest to Betty to wear green clothing or carry a green handbag (purse, wallet or other accessory of choice) to improve her luck. Suppose the Wood element is also Betty’s wealth element, then the wearing or carrying around of green items would also supposedly improve her “Wealth Luck”! However, is this the most effective or sensible way to use the Useful God?

A crucial step is in understanding the 10 gods of BaZi. Each of the 10 Gods can be categorized into specific actions, behaviour traits and relationships vis-à-vis the person’s Day Master. For example, assume Mark’s Day Master is Jia Wood (ie. Yang Wood). As such, the element of reversed polarity with feeds this Jia Wood is Gui Water which is the 10 God termed “Direct Resource”. Among other things, Direct Resource is formal education, physical comfort, health/well-being and also… represents one’s mother!

If Direct Resource is indeed Mark’s Useful God, then we know that in order for Mark to be successful and happy with his life, he has to ensure he gets a good education, stays well-rested in a comfortable home, takes good care of his health and even… by living with his mother. Despite being branded a “Momma’s Boy”, Mark will indeed benefit by being close to his mother and taking advice from her. This is how we effectively make use of the Useful God…by taking the appropriate action, exhibiting more of a specific character trait or effectively managing a beneficial relationship.

If Mark needs psychological reminders on his Useful God, he can wear blue clothing and the like. He can also paint his bedroom blue – provided Mark likes the colour blue in the first place and feels a personal affinity/liking to this colour. “Momma’s Boy” Mark can even frame a picture of his mother in blue to be placed by his bedside! However, it is wise for Mark (and for all of us BaZi practitioners) to remember that the colour blue (or even the picture of Mark’s mother) by itself has insufficient “qi power” to directly influence the cosmic energies that affect Mark’s fate and destiny.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Outlook for the 12 animal signs for the Earth Ox Year


i) For more info in addition to the animal sign of your birth year, check to see what other animal signs are in your complete BaZi chart.
ii) How the year would *specifically* unfold and affect a particular individual would depend on the full interactions within his/her BaZi chart.


An antsy, unsettled year is in store. However, this is likely due to rapid development in your career or business! You’ll be able to command authority and be quick-thinking. Creativity and recognition will be heightened. However, expect impatience, tempers flaring, stress and misunderstanding with others. The Ox (and family members) will also be generally under-the-weather. Injury involving metal is indicated so take note.


A good year for the Tiger. You continue to remain on-the-go, strengthened with a sense of renewed confidence. While you’ll continue to feel lonely from your travels or with your work endeavours, these travel/work opportunities will attract wealth and better overall luck. Stay active and be proactive! You’ll also find increased authority and possible promotion. Tiger, you attract male noblemen this year. This is good news also to (single) Lady Tigers wanting to get hitched. Wedding bells are in earshot for Tigers in current relationships although married Tigers could suffer from poor spousal relationship (or ill health on part of the spouse).


A less-than-stellar year for the Rabbit. As your qi is weak this year, remember to persevere and be determined. You have good learning luck, creativity and authority if you work hard and push through when encountering initial difficulties/obstacles. As your qi is weak this year, take care of your (and family members’) health. Avoid funerals and visiting the sick. Take care while driving and do not partake in dangerous sports. Possible defamation or legal issues are also indicated.


A good but uncomfortable year is in store. You’ll be plagued by a feeling of uncertainty but just remember things are better than you think. Dragons receive good noble help from females (which also benefit single male Dragons on the lookout for mates). Relationships with family, friends and colleagues will be testy though due to a change in your *own* attitudes. Although you’d want to be aggressive with your goals, Dragon, do note that a slow and steady approach will yield much, much better results this year esp. since delays and minor obstacles will be expected. Married Dragons, there’s indication of illicit affairs so please control yourself!


The Snake experiences a generally good year in 2009. Career and wealth outlook are good. While there’s good recognition and promotion luck, relationships with others are generally testy and fraught with misunderstandings, mostly because you feel misunderstood and overly suspicious. Snakes, be prepared for some sort of a “shocking” event of some sort this year. Also, be cautious when handling legal matters & formal documentation.


Horse, your luck improves this year. However, expect some spillover of the issues from 2008…These will mainly manifest in unexpected delays and obstacles. There’ll also be unavoidable “leaks” in your wealth. You need to wary of health issues of male elders in your family. Pregnant female horses will need to take extra precaution. On the positive note, you’ll receive support from noble people and generally do well at work. Some travel and fame luck is on the cards too!


The Goat experiences the most challenges this year as the energies of the year are directly against you. Significant changes are in the cards. Expect large, unavoidable expenditures, a feeling of being pressured/bullied, delays and obstacles. Since changes are afoot, personally *choosing* and acting on a major change in your life (moving house, changing jobs) will be good, although you need to be careful. Embrace any sort of new scene/chapter/surroundings in your life. Another “cure” will be to stay on the move-- travel more and generally keep moving about. Take of your health particularly the stomach, digestive system, spleen and back. Take note of this piece of positive news: by 2nd half of the year things will improve and year end, all will end well so persevere and stay positive!


One of the luckiest animal signs in 2009! You’ll experience increased power and authority, receive recognition and celebrate many “happy occasions”! There’ll be increased wealth due to recognition of your skills, authority and fame. Helpful people abound and even negative situations end happily. Be prepared, though, for certain projects and endeavours souring quickly (which simply means close them and move on to others). In addition, minor accidents/mishaps are indicated. Be wary of working too hard and be vigilant of the health of elderly family members.


Another good year for the Rooster. You’re (once again) one of the luckier animal signs in the year. This year is esp. good for creative people and performers. You’ll meet new people and establish good contacts which lead to an improved network. These same people will help you achieve your goals. It’s a great year for learning new skills, Rooster. You’ll be able to manage finances, lead and be successful! However, you do need to be wary of physical injury as injury through cutting is indicated. Important: please avoid deep water activities this year. Male Roosters will also come across strong, domineering females this year.


A mixed year for the Dog. Dog, you’ll continue to feel misunderstood, lonely and prone to “love/hate” relationships with those around you. You’ll feel that situations and people are unfair. Poor communication with others and gossip are issues you have to face. In addition, you’ll be worried about the health of family members. The good news is that you DO have helpful people in abundance so seek them out (and do not assume everyone’s out to get you). In addition, your natural gut instinct will serve you well in work and business, leading to better income/wealth. Maintain your integrity and things will work out very well.


The Boar will be on the move this year! Travel will be very prevalent. Bear in mind that the rewards this year will come as a result of being active and on-the-move. You’ll have access to connections abroad so this is a year to expand your business and open up new markets. You do have to be careful of mishaps and problems during travel but rest assured these are minor as you’ll be able to receive the necessary help. As this will be a exhausting year, it’s a good idea to avoid funerals and visiting the ill.


An uncomfortable year for the Rat. Rat, you’ll be meeting many new people and establishing contacts this year. You’ll find yourself in new environments but you’ll generally feel out of place and uncomfortable. However, do remember that it’s a great year to ask and receive help that you need to propel yourself forward. Rats suffer from poor health this year due to sickness and possible contamination/poisoning issues. You also need to be extra careful when dealing with the powerful and high authority. Be extra vigilant too if you’re embarking on any major and large-scale endeavour.

2009: The Year of the Earth Ox

The following is a general forecast of what year 2009 has in store. You’ll likely see these trends around you but please don’t worry (or get too excited) unnecessarily as we need to examine your personal BaZi chart for direct effects.

The Year of the Earth Ox…a still, stagnating year… With Yin Earth sitting on top of the Ox (whose main qi is also yin earth), it’s not going to be a year with much immediate growth or movement. The Ox is the last of the winter animal signs. Visualise a pile of cold, stacking earth. Things will plod on... As such, on the world stage, it’s unlikely we’ll see any economic recovery until 2010 at the earliest.

Earth in the study of the all-important 5 elements of Chinese Metaphysics indicates both an end OR a beginning. While the year itself will present obstacles and hindrances for most, it’s still a great year for planning for the future and to “plant the seeds” for future projects and endeavours. The potential is there to START a long-term project or new endeavour in life. Remember, the key is planning AND thinking long-term.

What does this mean? It means that you should use this as a year for planning, study and to take initial steps toward a long-term goal. Use this year to cultivate your skills and for self-development. Indeed, the element that is first much needed to “unearth” the potentials of the year is fire. We first need to warm-up the cold earth before we can do anything with it. Specifically, what we need is the fire and warmth of the sun, which is Yang Fire. Imagine the sun, the giver of life, the key source of growth and comfort.

Thus, by looking at the qualities of the fire element, passion and joy are KEY for anyone in making the most of the year! Those who follow their hearts and their passion can make the most of the year. Do what makes you happy. Stay happy! Live the year with excitement, do the things you’re most passionate about and you’ll make the most of the year.

However, if you’re not currently living your life doing what makes you feel good, then fret not. Take time out to evaluate your life and priorities. It’s also a good year for this. Seek answers from within if you still haven’t found what you’re looking for in life. Turn to spirituality (which is also represented by the fire element) and reflect on your goals in life. Focus on learning and self-development. Focus on art, creativity and more right-brained activities. The best part of the year to do this is in the middle of the year during the summer months. However, as the fire element in 2009 already starts making an appearance from February onwards you should make these your (Chinese) New Year resolutions!

Alas, the Ox is also what is termed a “graveyard” animal. “Graveyards” animal years tend to cause complications with relationships. As far as interpersonal relationships go, it’s a year of keeping secrets and not wearing hearts on sleeves. You’ll find that people will not be open with their feelings and there’ll be a lot more that meets the eye and is not revealed. As such, communications will blur and true intentions will be hidden. This is bound to lead to a strong feeling of being misunderstood and not being able to understand one another. Focus on better communication and being clear/open with people around you to minimize these problems.

The Ox year being a “graveyard” year, as mentioned earlier, also signifies things coming to an end. Though morbid, there’ll be a higher percentage of deaths this year. Sickness will be more prevalent, particularly with problems of the Earth and Water organs. Earth organs include the abdomen, stomach, spleen and digestive system. The risk of contamination and infection of the Water organs like the bladder, urinal system and internal reproductive system is high. In addition, there’s also heightened risk of injury to the lower back and lower legs. Those who have a Goat, Ox or Rat in the BaZi chart as well as those having bedrooms or house main doors in the North sector need to be extra vigilant. On a positive note, however, these health issues bode well for the wellness and health industry!

The year of the Earth Ox will prove most beneficial for wood industries like consulting, development, teaching and fast-moving-consumer goods (FMCG). Those in the creative industries like writing, design and advertising will also benefit. Wood industries involving growth (eg. Project Management) and education will benefit the most esp. if a long-term stance is taken.

As fire qi is dampened this year, those of you in fire industries have to make full use of the spring and summer months. Fire businesses eg. beauty, visual media, performing arts, electrical/electronic goods and high-tech gadgets will experience a weaker year esp. in the 2nd half of this Earth Ox year. However, there are exceptions. Those in wellness, healing, metaphysics, internal cultivation and medicine will find business booming. In addition, as fire is the much needed element for the year, those of you in the fire industries can still find opportunities popping up here and there if you look and work hard enough!

Earth industries eg. insurance and property will be strong but competitive. Opportunities are abundant but competition is strong. You’ll find the scenario of having the rug pulled out suddenly from under your feet (by your competitors) will be a common occurrence in the year. Again, the best strategy is to BE competitive and to think long-term.

Metal industries eg machinery, banking and finance will be the worst hit this year. Those involved in metal industries need to maximise the autumns months of August to October because the year holds very little potential. Those in metal industries will plans difficult to move and run into plenty of obstacles and hindrances. Often times, judgement will be clouded. If you’re an entrepreneur in these industries, it’s a time for planning for the future and to think up grand plans to implement for the following Tiger year.

Financial instruments are of course collectively group in the Metal group. As these are affected, financial markets (which are categorized as the Water element since metal produces water) will continue to remain in the doldrums with slightly better performance towards the end of the year. In addition, water industries are negatively affected due to the strong earth of the year. Businesses involving travel, tourism, logistics and verbal communication will suffer due to external pressures, problems with regulations/authorities and hidden issues.